Top 5 Tips For A Successful Resume

How do you write a successful resume that will get you that job?

How To Resume has you covered with the free resume templates, but here’s 5 top resume tips to help you start writing the content that will make your resume stand out.

1. Your contact details

This should be super clear and at the top of the resume. Make your name big and clear, and include your mobile and email address.

An important tip is to make sure you use an email address that you frequently check. Don’t use your school or university email address which you might lose access to.

Do a quick sense check if your email is professional, like might not leave a good impression with a future employer!

2. Your education

If you’re young and don’t have much work experience, consider highlighting more achievements in your education section. Read our post about writing your first resume with no work experience.

If you’ve been in the workforce for a while, keep your education short and simple – add dates, your degree or course and the school you attended.

3. Your professional experience

This should be the bulk of your resume. Include the most recent role at the top and work through your previous jobs.

Use bullet points, not only does this make it easy to read but helps keep you from adding wordy sentences.

4. The design

Busy employers and recruiters want to be able to read resumes easily and quickly. Imagine how many resumes they have to go through!

Resumes with too many graphics, fancy fonts and columns can distract the reader from the flow of your resume. Luckily for you, we’ve done this hard part for you and created a resume builder with simple templates to keep you focused – all you need to do is pick the template to get started!

5. The length

A general rule of thumb is to keep your resume to 2 pages. This means you should edit out any outdated information or jobs that might not be relevant to the job you’re applying for.

How To Resume has the cool functionality to hide and reveal sections, so if your resume is reaching over the two page mark… you can decide to hide that section without losing what you’ve written in case you change your mind. Get started now!

Written by Emily
Emily just graduated at USYD. She's getting ready to find a job in Nursing and writing her first resume. Emily knows how difficult writing a resume can be and is keen to share all the tips and tricks she has discovered along the way.
A photo of Emily